Day 13 of my 21 days of gratitudes:

Day 13 of my 21 days of gratitudes:
I am grateful for the past because we can learn from it.
I am grateful for the future for it gives me hope and possibilities of all that can be.
I am grateful for the present because I am in it with you, and you, and yes you too; I would never forget you! 

Six Word Memoirs

I read a book recently called “six word memoirs”, a collection of literally people’s six word memoirs and I was inspired to write a few of my own…. here are six :P.

I didn’t come with a manual

Loved people. Lost people. Repeated cycle.

Too much time pondering unanswerable questions

Risked all, lost all, found me

Often left wondering “is this it?”

Every day a chance to laugh

If you wrote your memoir in six words, what would they be?  Go on, tell me. 

My Granny…

My grandmother is/was Blessie Padgett Thompson Davis.  I never knew all those names before.  She was my Granny and she was Blessie Davis but the other two names are recent additions to my knowledge of my granny.  She was married before she married my grandfather.  I don’t know for how long or if that union produced any children.

And just last night, I learned that 1933 was a particularly bad year for my grandmother.  She had a daughter, Clara Elizabeth Jane, who was born and died on the same day, February 16, 1933 and four days later, my grandfather died.  I wonder if this was a virus or the flu or just incredible bad luck.

I just learned this morning that 1963 was also not a good year for my grandmother.  Her daughter Lottie died in June of 1963 and her son-in-law was driving the car that my father was riding in when he was killed in November of 1963.  I cannot even begin to imagine my grandmother’s life at that time and place; she had custody of me as a two-year-old when all this was going on, burying two of her children five months apart.

I love you, Granny, for as long as I can remember being alive and I always will.

Day 12 of my 21 days of gratitudes:

Day 12 of my 21 days of gratitudes:
I am grateful for my daughter’s love.  When times seem low, I always remember her smile and my day is made better knowing she is in my life.
I am grateful for windows.  Brrrr….a car without windows in the winter would be a pneumonia hole.
I am grateful for good memories.  They make remembering something you want to do.

Before You Kill Yourself….by: Renee T. Lucero, RN

Before You Kill Yourself….by: Renee T. Lucero, RN
(as reprinted in “Dear Ann Landers”, Dec 12, 1995)

You’ve decided to do it. Life is impossible. Suicide is your way out.

Fine — but before you kill yourself, there are some things you should know. I am a psychiatric nurse, and I see the results of suicide — when it works and more often, when it doesn’t.

Consider, before you act, these facts:

Suicide is usually not successful.

You think you know a way to guarantee it? Ask the 25 year old who tried to electrocute himself. He lived. But both his arms are gone.

What about jumping? Ask John. He used to be intelligent, with an engaging sense of humor. That was before he leaped from a building. Now, he’s brain-damaged and will always need care. He staggers and has seizures. He lives in a fog. But, worst of all, he KNOWS he used to be normal.

What about pills? Ask the 12 year old with extensive liver damage from an overdose. Have you ever seen anyone die of liver damage? You turn yellow. It’s a hard way to go.

What about a gun? Ask the 24 year old who shot himself in the head. Now he drags one leg, has a useless arm and has no vision or hearing on one side. He lived through his “foolproof” suicide. You might, too.

Who will clean your blood off the carpet or scrape your brains from the ceiling? Commercial cleaning companies may refuse that job — but SOMEONE has to do it.

Who will have to cut you down from where you hanged yourself or identify your bloated body after you’ve drowned? Your mother? Your wife? Your son?

The carefully worded “loving” suicide note is no help. Those who loved you will NEVER completely recover. They’ll feel regret and an unending pain.

Suicide is contagious.

Look around at your family. Look closely at the 4 year old playing with his cars on the rug. Kill yourself tonight, and he may do it 10 years from now.

You do have other choices.

There are people who can help you through this crisis. Call a hot line. Call a friend. Call your minister or priest. Call a doctor or hospital. Call the police.

They will tell you that there’s hope. Maybe you’ll find it in the mail tomorrow. Or in a phone call this weekend. But what you’re seeking could be just a minute, a day or a month away.

You say you don’t want to be stopped? Still want to do it? Well, then, I may see you in the psychiatric ward later. And we’ll work with whatever you have left.

Renee T. Lucero, RN

Day 10 of my 21 days of gratitudes:

Day 10 of my 21 days of gratitudes:
I am grateful for plumbing.  Seriously.  Let that one marinate and you’ll be thankful too.
I am grateful for my grandson, Caleb.  He makes me believe in impossible things and his energy is abundant, which I love.  I am so grateful for him in my life.
I am grateful for Thomas Alva Edison.  Brilliant f*cker, don’t you think?  Besides light bulbs and the telephone, he held almost 1100 other patents.  He must have been busy…makes me wonder if he was a bad kisser.  Because if he were a good kisser, he probably would’ve just invented the stripper pole or disposable sheets.